A time-lapse monitor allows continuous, non-invasive observation of embryos without having to remove them from optimal culturing conditions.
The precision and reliability of the incubators are of particular importance for IVF, as the slightest change in the atmosphere, temperature, or humidity content can already affect the development of the embryo.
There is a private chamber for each patient in these bench top incubators. The embryos of other patients are not disturbed by the opening and closing of the lid for one patient. The incubator is controlled by a microprocessor. An embryo culture environment is maintained in a stable thermal environment by the heated chamber baseplate and lid.
Using Thermo Scientific Heracell CO2 incubators, we are able to achieve our goals faster, more reliably, and with less effort by combining our technology advances in contamination control and uniform growth conditions with proven and reliable features.
Using Thermo Scientific Heracell CO2 incubators, we are able to achieve our goals faster, more reliably, and with less effort by combining our technology advances in contamination control and uniform growth conditions with proven and reliable features.
As a result of its finely tuned control system, the Memmert CO2 Incubator reaches its setpoint temperature very quickly without temperature overshoots.
An inverted microscope with a temperature-controlled stage, a suction syringe to hold the egg, and an injection syringe for injecting the sperm.
An inverted microscope with a temperature-controlled stage, a suction syringe to hold the egg, and an injection syringe for injecting the sperm.
With the finely tuned control system of the Memmert CO2 Incubator, the appliance reaches the setpoint temperature very quickly without temperature overshoots, which allows for the best culturing environment.
This is done using an inverted microscope that provides around 7000 times the magnification of a microscope used in laboratories. This microscope allows biologists to examine sperm and discard those with defects. When sperm are examined, giving them a specific form before fertilization may increase chances of success and reduce the likelihood of miscarriage. The Intracytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection may improve IVF outcomes and can be used if IVF without success.
This is done using an inverted microscope that provides around 7000 times the magnification of a microscope used in laboratories. This microscope allows biologists to examine sperm and discard those with defects. When sperm are examined, giving them a specific form before fertilization may increase chances of success and reduce the likelihood of miscarriage. The Intracytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection may improve IVF outcomes and can be used if IVF without success.
VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) monitoring in daily routine for better assessment with Oosafe VOC meter.
Working in a clean environment will be important to combat the many contaminants around you. The ZANDAIR air purification system removes VOCs, CACs, viruses, bacteria, and other particulates from your surrounding air. The system includes an activated carbon filter, photocatalytic oxidation chamber, UV lamp and high efficiency filter that removes particles down to 0.3um. It can even attract pollutants and convert them into inert substances that are neutralized and eliminated from the air in your working station or larger lab environment. With these systems you’ll work in a clear and clean environment where there are no particles for your delicate tasks!
Working in a clean environment will be important to combat the many contaminants around you. The ZANDAIR air purification system removes VOCs, CACs, viruses, bacteria, and other particulates from your surrounding air. The system includes an activated carbon filter, photocatalytic oxidation chamber, UV lamp and high efficiency filter that removes particles down to 0.3um. It can even attract pollutants and convert them into inert substances that are neutralized and eliminated from the air in your working station or larger lab environment. With these systems you’ll work in a clear and clean environment where there are no particles for your delicate tasks!
The Hamilton Thorne oosight imaging system allows visualization of the spindle and zona in unstained oocytes.
In embryos with thick or hard zones of zona pellucida, laser assisted hatching improves the chances of a successful hatching in the very first attempt.
In embryos with thick or hard zones of zona pellucida, laser assisted hatching improves the chances of a successful hatching in the very first attempt.
We provide low cost fertility treatment packages with high success rates for IVF. Would you like to discuss your infertility case with us?