This is the most commonly asked question 12% of couples find difficulty in getting pregnant.
• You have to take opinion of a fertility expert if you are younger than 35 & have been trying to get pregnant for at least a year.
• If you are 35 or older & have been trying to get pregnant for at least 6 months.
• If a female keeps having miscarriage it is known as Secondary Infertility.
Female causes ≈ 40%. This includes problems with ovulation, damage to Fallopian Tubes or uterus or problems with cervix. Age can contribute to Infertility because as female ages her fertility decreases.
Male factors ≈ 40%. Sperm factors due to associated conditions like testicular/ pelvic infection & trauma, diabetes, obesity, cancer or cancer treatment. In many cases however, there is no underlying cause found. Erectile dysfunction & premature ejaculation can also lead to difficulty in conceiving.
Combined factors ≈ 10%. Where problem is found in both the partners.
Unexplained infertility ≈ 10%. After doing every possible investigations still can’t find out the cause.